RHB Investment Bank launches DMA Equity on Bursa Malaysia
The Corporate and Investment Banking arm of the RHB Banking Group is the first Malaysian broker to be DMA-ready when it started the service back in December 2009.
The investment bank has gone live with its full Direct Market Access infrastructure for the equities market on Bursa Malaysia with SunGard's GL Net, an order routing network and SunGard's order management system GL Stream.
The new framework allows pre-trade risk filtering completed in only 3 milliseconds for complete vetting process, facilitating complex trading strategies and greater control over trades, whilst ensuring appropriate oversight and risk management controls for the decentralisation of order entries.
Dato’ Yusli Mohammed Yusoff, Chief Executive Officer of Bursa Malaysia, said, "It is imperative that our market is equipped with the right and up-to-date technology such as DMA Equity as it enhances trading efficiency as well as provides greater connectivity for investors. As we move towards internationalising our capital market, this platform will also enable us to meet the requirement for growth and become more competitive with other major exchanges in the world."
RHB Investment Bank added DMA Equity moves it as well towards deploying more sophisticated trading tools, which could help clients achieve the best form of execution through the use of algorithmic strategies and programmed trading.