Maybank and YES BANK establish ties
The alliance seen to step up trade and investment between India and South East Asia.
Yes Bank, India’s new age private sector Bank and Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank), Malaysia’s No. 1 Bank and largest financial services group providing diversified financial products & services, today entered into a Principles of Cooperation agreement to collaborate on cross-border Investment Banking advisory, corporate banking, trade finance, remittances and other allied services between the two countries.
The alliance will play an active role towards further augmenting trade and investment flows in the Indo-South East Asia corridor. With this tie-up, YES BANK and Maybank will be able to leverage their combined expertise, strong local knowledge and excellent corporate relationships to open up Investment Banking, Corporate Banking, Trade Finance & Remittance opportunities for their respective clients.
Speaking on the development, Dr. Rana Kapoor, Founder, Managing Director & CEO, YES BANK said,
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